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Temple shaped casket

Casket of central Italian origin and dated between the end of the 14th and the beginning of the 15th century.
In particular, it is an example belonging to the production of Umbrian - Tuscan caskets which spread between the 14th and 16th centuries.
It was in fact made of poplar wood, pastille and gold leaf, according to the canons of this executive tradition; as proof of this, poplar constitutes an important clue, as this material was widely spread in this area, and used to create pictorial supports and sculptural works of various kinds.
Processing also takes us in this direction, in many respects. Note the so-called "pagoda" shape (a name due to the sloping and curved shape of the upper part of these caskets), as well as the tablet decoration, depicting phytomorphic spiral motifs.
These processes, carried out on several occasions in the workshops of Central Italy, emulated the productions of goldsmiths or ivory artists.

Measures: 23,5 x 8 x 8,5 in
Fabbri Arte di Jury Fabbri
Piazza XXIV Maggio, 9 - Canedole 46048 (MN)
E-mail: fabbriarte@virgilio.it
Tel: +39 338 1372919