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Head of Medusa

Sculpture dating back to the 19th Century and of Central-Italian origin depicting the gorgon Medusa.
It has been skilfully worked starting from a precious construction material, identifiable as an agglomeration of quartz, most likely quartzite; the rarity of the material lies in the fact that it is not common to find an entire block of such large dimensions. It is a stone of metamorphic origin composed mainly of quartz, hence its name.
On a stylistic level, there is considerable inspiration from similar models made by Antonio Canova's workshop. The expression and features do not have monstrous characters, the snakes are very intricate and intertwine with real hair; another interesting one a common detail is the small wings that emerge from the sides of the head. This justifies the Neoclassical dating (19th century), together with the tendency of the time to recover Classical art and styles.

Measures: 31 x 24 x 9 in
Fabbri Arte di Jury Fabbri
Piazza XXIV Maggio, 9 - Canedole 46048 (MN)
E-mail: fabbriarte@virgilio.it
Tel: +39 338 1372919