Su di me Opere Mostre Contatti
Madonna of Humility

Tempera painting on panel decorated with a gold background, with bas-relief and engraving, of Venetian origin and dating back to the first quarter of the 15th century.
It depicts the "Madonna of Humility".
Work attributed to an artist from the workshop of Zanino di Pietro (…, 1380 – Venice, 1443).
The painting presents some characteristics that lead us to consider the attribution plausible, first of all the theme and its canons of representation.
The theme of the Madonna of Humility, in fact, has been proposed again and again by Zanino di Pietro, and numerous examples have come down to us.
They are characterized by a very recognizable artistic and compositional style, especially in the pose of the Virgin, in the features of her face, in her dark dress with golden decorations, in the presence of the cushion, similarly depicted, as well as in the suggestive table decoration in bas-relief and burin; note that in many cases (and the painting in question is no exception), there is no frame: the altarpiece is often obtained from the same board that acts as a pictorial support for the painting.

Expertise by Professor Alessandro Delpriori.

Measures: 19,5 x 14,5 in
Fabbri Arte di Jury Fabbri
Piazza XXIV Maggio, 9 - Canedole 46048 (MN)
Tel: +39 338 1372919