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Reliquiary cross

15th Century

Reliquiary cross finely worked in twisted filigree of gilded silver (typical medieval goldsmith technique), coral and colored glass paste, containing an alleged relic of the Holy Cross, in turn bearing representations of the "Baptism of Christ" and "Crucifixion".
The work, accompanied by a coat of arms belonging to the Chigi - Zondadari family of Siena, was built by the Greek monks who lived and worked on Mount Athos already in the 15th century.

Measures: 7,5 x 2 in
Fabbri Arte di Jury Fabbri
Piazza XXIV Maggio, 9 - Canedole 46048 (MN)
E-mail: fabbriarte@virgilio.it
Tel: +39 338 1372919