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Portrait of Alfonso Gonzaga

Flemish area, first half of 16th Century

Oil painting on panel depicting a "Virgo Lactans", of Flemish origin and dating back to the first half of the 16th century.
On an attributive level, we can ascribe the work to the circle of the Master of the Parrot.
The similarity is not universal, as this denomination was coined by the scholar Max Friedländer ('Der Meister mit dem Papagei', Phoebus, 1949, II, pp. 49-54), with the aim of identifying a group of works stylistically similar, many of which are characterized by the presence of a parrot.
However, the painting can be compared to some examples of the same attribution, especially if we compare some recurring details, such as the Virgin's red veil and her tawny hair, the fruit positioned on the table, as well as the open window with the landscape.

Measures: 28 x 23 in
Fabbri Arte di Jury Fabbri
Piazza XXIV Maggio, 9 - Canedole 46048 (MN)
E-mail: fabbriarte@virgilio.it
Tel: +39 338 1372919